Most people are bad about doing their research when it comes to adding or redoing their landscape. People think that when it says dwarf on the tag it’s only supposed to get maybe a few feet this is false. There are millions upon millions of different plants out there and most if not all have at less a few different varieties under them. Just because dwarf is in the name doesn’t mean that it’s not going to get 5 to 6 feet tall. An example in trees is a magnolia; your old fashion southern magnolia can get up to 100 feet in height. Then you have your little gem magnolia which is a dwarf version of this varieties, but the little gem will still get to be 60 feet tall in maturity. This goes for most plants, trees and shrubs. Just because something says dwarf doesn’t mean that it’s going to stay the size you think dwarf means. Nothing is worse than when you plant a shrub under your window and a few years later it’s blocking any view you have through it. Contractors are the worst at this. They don’t take into consideration that what their planting is going to get way to big. The only thing they are thinking or worrying about is get the house done and sold. Most of our renovation jobs are because 5 to 10 years down the road all the shrubs and trees have completely taken over the house. Your landscape will need replacing down the road at some point but shouldn’t be this soon. When you are doing a complete landscape your plants should last you 20 to 30 years if you plant the right stuff in the right places. This is what people like The Garden Outlet are here for is to give you the best ideas and plant for the best and right areas. We want you to love your landscape and have the less amount of maintenance as possible.