For several years now we have ran a special on Christmas Trees at The Garden Outlet. We are on our sixths year now promoting this special. We started this when the economy wasn’t the best and families were struggling for the holidays. So we decided to find away we could help. We found a grower up in the mountains of North Carolina and bought the field out. We started our first year with just 300 trees sold. This year we are expecting to sell over 2200 trees. We have made this an event for family and friends. We know have a local BBQ guy that comes on the weekend to sell the best BBQ you will ever eat. We have a local Vineyard Autumn Creek that will be coming two weekends November 29 and December 13 to give wine tastings and sell their wines. We are running a raffle for a 6 foot stocking stuffed with fun toys that proceeds will go to a local organization call Horse Friends. An nonprofit organization that help individuals with special needs interact with horses and caring volunteers. We also make our own wreaths here at the store they are super fresh. We have loved running this deal every Christmas seeing families come and pick out trees. Come by and check us out and see what its all about.